The purpose of the Foundation: to embody a new project of civilisation, a society for the Living. For the past 15 years we have popularised, created meetings, brought the various actors of society to discuss around the current issues of the Earth together with Nice Future Association.
Today, the reforestation of the Amazon and the Earth is our priority. How? ‘Or’ What ? By safeguarding virgin lands and primary forests, by buying land for future generations from public funds, support from patrons or crowdfunding.
In parallel, the foundation also aims to establish in places Europe and among the first peoples of different parts of the world to offer an alternative lifestyle. Our idea is to buy or protect places dedicated to future generations that would be places of planting and hosting knowledge related to the Earth. They will allow their occupants to live in harmony with the Earth and will act as “University of the living”. Indeed, over the years, many pioneers have acquired exceptional know-how: “Kerterre” houses, jungle gardens, plant knowledge, medicines of the Earth, models of living economy, etc. All of this knowledge, now intimately explored, deserves to be shared and disseminated as an inheritance bequeathed to younger generations. We therefore want to create living exploration sites connected to each other, with the wisdoms of Europe and those of the first peoples from around the world.
Finally, we want to be the actors of a new sustainable way of life and of a society based on shared ethical principles, including respect and attention for all, ecological integrity, respect for diversities, a living economy and a culture of peace.
These values are in our eyes necessary for the realisation of these projects with the consciousness of the life. Indeed, we believe that external action and the implementation of projects cannot be achieved harmoniously without an internal alignment of each of us. For living in harmony with the living also means living in harmony with oneself and with others by joyfully celebrating each moment.